Billy Cola

Billy Cola is a former gifted child who enjoys pro wrestling (naturally), pop culture of the 1940s & 1950s, collecting vinyl records, writing, and reading a questionable amount of books in his spare time.

Growing up in a small, rural town in the American Southeast to a loving family of blue collar people, he stuck out rather substantially at family gatherings, as one might imagine a writing major might in a family full of athletic scholarships. He moved to the American West in 2017 after meeting his beautiful and supremely talented artist wife. They live together with their adorable, mischievous calico cat named Luna.

He can be usually found in his job selling furniture, with nails painted interesting colors, and having enough tattoos to be considered "heavily tattooed," which will never not be funny to him, as all of his tattoos are of harmless, nerdy ephemera.

His favorite wrestler currently is a tossup between Asuka & RJ City, favorite all time being Mick Foley, and a move he wishes would make a comeback in use on TV is the Dragon Sleeper.

Find him on Twitter! @hand_springs777

Billy Cola